Once Upon a Doll

A new company created by two French doll artists has opened. Once Upon a Doll is now preparing to offer their first joint effort, Elles.

From the company:

Once Upon a doll is a new company created by Asella and Ehowinn, and Elles is the first mold they made together!

The preorder will start on december 15th, all the information here and on our blog tomorrow!
The girl is 33 cm tall, double jointed, and offered in 2 colors, Innocent pink and Mouse gray!
These dolls are professionally casted.
Only 25 blank dolls+options and 6 Winter fullset will be available!





2 thoughts on “Once Upon a Doll”

  1. Love your dolls! Wondering if they are available to order and how much they are. Thanks, Teresa

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