Only Doll Event

Mint on Card has posted the latest Only-Doll event.  The company is offering a free or discounted MeMe doll with purchase of a 70cm, 1/3, 1/4, or 1/6 size doll.

From the company & Mint on Card:

Only-Doll Holiday Event!
Dec 4th – Jan 14th

Customers who place an Only-Doll pre-order can take advantage of the following promotional offer:

-Pre-order a 1/3 or 70cm Doll: Receive a Free 11cm MeMe Doll! Doll will be blank and in white skin. Customers can choose regular MeMe or MeMe-SP. Make-up is available for $50.00, the make-up will include the face, body blushing, and flower shell painting. Customers can choose Pink, Blue, or Gold for the make-up color.

-Pre-order a 1/4 Doll: Receive a 11cm MeMe for only $19.00! Doll will be blank and in white skin. Customers can choose regular MeMe or MeMe-SP. Make-up is available for $50.00, the make-up will include the face, body blushing, and flower shell painting. Customers can choose Pink, Blue, or Gold for the make-up color.

-Pre-order a 1/6 Doll: Receive a 11cm MeMe for only $29.00! Doll will be blank and in white skin. Customers can choose regular MeMe or MeMe-SP. Make-up is available for $50.00, the make-up will include the face, body blushing, and flower shell painting. Customers can choose Pink, Blue, or Gold for the make-up color.

To qualify for this promotional event your order must be a pre-order, (in-stock products do not count!), and placed between the dates of December 4th – January 14th 2013, (cut-off time on the 14th is 4:00pm US ET). Your order must also be for a doll, doll bodies do not count. If your order qualifies for a free or discounted MeMe please note what version you want in the Comments Box at check-out, (don`t forget to tell us if you want make-up & in what color!). Failure to tell us what gift you want could result in you not getting one, so please don`t forget! Layaway orders are included in this event. 🙂 If you have any questions please email us.

only doll MeMe

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