The Addiction BID

IpleHousehas has opened the pre-order period for The Addiction versions of 1/6 size BID line Erzulie, Efreet, Byuri and Elin. They come in a choice of normal, peach gold, special real, light brown or grey resin. Each doll may be ordered with a boy or girl general or “mobility thigh”  body.  An additional The Addiction fantasy vampire head and pointed-nail hands may be purchased for the doll. Other options include a face-up for one or both heads, hand blushing, wing and horn parts, parts blushing, and outfit(s). Four outfit styles are available, and a choice from two face-up styles are offered for each head. The Addiction BID dolls will be open for pre-order until December 31st (Korean time).


BID dolls





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