Dark Side Julia ~ A Review

Part 2 of The Dark Side of Ringdoll

Ringdoll introduced two versions of 1/3 size Ring Teenager Julia in 2012. She was paired in both releases with 1/3 boy Andrew. The Dark Side version of Julia was a limited edition that was discontinued in May 2013.

Note: Doll Nudity



When Ringdoll’s Dark Side version of Julia, Tears of Blackthorn, was released last year, I was immediately taken with her. I loved her look; her outfit and accessories were just perfect. Despite the many dolls released last winter, I couldn’t forget her. Fortunately, before she was forever out of my reach,  I was able to order her.

When my long-desired doll arrived, I tore into the box, forgetting to take photos as I pulled her out of her foam protective frame. Then, as I had planned to write this article, I had to stuff her back in before I went too far unwrapping her! As I re-boxed her, I noticed that her deep purple box lid included a special sticker attached showing both Dark Side Julia and Andrew.

After a few hasty pictures of the doll were taken, I began to unpack her outfit.  Julia’s garments are black with green accents.  Her pretty strapless dress has an invisible zipper up the back.  The dress has a high waist, and her skirt includes an under-layer that has elasticized cord to give it a slight balloon shape above a ruffled flounce.  A second skirt layer of finely patterned lace has black ribbon roses with green leaves added.  A short top skirt of lace is cut with a scalloped edge.  The skirt is given an additional pouf from a stiff black net underskirt. The ingeniously crafted over-coat is tied under the breasts.  This coat is decorated with more black and green ribbon roses, and the front opening is bordered with black lace and silver thread.  The points of the coat at the front fall gracefully and end with more roses.  Long, elasticized stockings match the ribbon roses, and so does the silver lace headband with large green roses surrounded by translucent black “leaves”.  Shiny black platform shoes complete the look.


In complete contrast with her peachy-pink “Rose of Swan” (non-limited version) face-up, Darkside Julia’s face is painted primarily in black and grey.  Only a tinge of pink lingers on her cheeks, inner eyes, and on and under her lips. The doll has two teeth painted in a slightly open mouth. Eyelashes are included with the face-up.

To complete her look, Julia has pink glass eyes with darker pink pupils and a wig that is an unusual and elegant silver-brown color. I also tested various wigs on her. (see below)

Julia’s lovely pale normal color resin is matte on the surface.  She has double knee and elbow joints, an upper thigh joint and a single joint under the breasts.  Her breasts are pushed together and suggest that she would be wearing a corset or push-up bra. Only flat feet were included with the doll. Julia is tightly strung and holds poses well, although she occasionally flipped forward on her thigh-hip joints while being positioned. The torso joint has limited motion, but could be tilted to right or left.  Julia has a wide range of motion to her arms, and she can easily cross her legs and sit in a variety of ways.  Her kneecap is molded onto her double joint part.

Altogether, after waiting so long to possess her, I am not disappointed with my new BJD. Her face in person is lovelier in my opinion than she appears in the company photos. Her outfit is very well made and the cut of the coat is beautiful. I hope to purchase her reaper scythe in the future, but even without it Julia has a distinctive presence. Although Dark Side Julia is no longer available, her original version may still be ordered, and her red and white outfit is equally as lovely. Of course,  she may be purchased blank like most BJDs and be customized as desired. As demonstrated by the company’s two versions, Julia is quite adaptable.

Photos Above from top: Company photos of Dark Side Julia and Julia version A.

Ringdoll Website


box label
Julia and Andrew’s Dark Side label on the box lid
box contents2
Packaged outfit, wig, shoes and eyes from box
julia box
Julia (a bit disheveled) shown in her box
Julia’s face-up
julia grey wig
Julia with silver-brown wig and pink glass eyes
julia brown wig
Julia in a warm brown wig
julia brown hair 3
julia black 2
Julia tries on a black wig
julia black 3
julia pink1
Julia in a pink wig that matches her eye color
julia pink 3
julia pink 6
julia pink 8
julia 7

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