Deep in the Woods Stella and Jennet

Sugarble has released Deep in the Woods Stella and Jennet. The dolls are being sold at a discount for a limited time. A free gift will be included with purchase.

From the company:

In this fall, a new SUGARBLE doll models are about to be launched – Deep in the woods.
We are also going to hold special events for a new products, you’d better not to miss them!

Please give us your interest and love for “Deep in the woods”.

Special events for “Deep in the woods”

(From October 20th to November 5th)

*10% discount for “Deep in the woods”

*Free customization parts
The ONE special parts from the followings will be given to every customers for free.
(Fox, angelic wings, demonic set, deer, mini fox, and mini cat parts)

1/6 size Jennet and Stella may be ordered with girl, glamour or intersex body, in normal or pure bright resin. Options include face-up, body blushing, rabbit parts (in white, pure bright or grey resin), painting for rabbit parts, outfit and wig. Customers may choose the gift parts they wish to receive with their order.

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