Return to Memory: Kalix and Delphine

Dream of Doll has re-released two of their old limited edition dolls. Return to Memory Kalix and Delphine are cast this time in normal or white skin  resin (the original versions were grey). Kalix may be ordered with either the DOT version 2 body or the taller DOI body. Both dolls include a face-up, acrylic eyes, wig, and black nail painting.  The outfits are optionally available.  (The shoes are not included.)

From the company:

We still remember that hopeless love of Kalix and Delphine in our dim memory.

Now it’s time for us to return your love and waiting with Return to Memory Season 2.

The period is October 11 ~ November 11, 2013

You can refer further details in the site.

Pls kindly note that sales will be finished once this period is over.

Hope that you’ll make use of this chance!


Kalix and Delphine



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