5Star News

5StarDoll will be discontinuing a number of 1/6 size dolls at the end of this month.

From the company:

Dear customers,

Some of our dolls are soldout forever on August. We didn’t notify on news board.
Some customers ask us to send news before soldout so that they could
get theirs before soldout. We will send news from now on.
The following dolls will be sold-out forever by October 1st. They are all 1/6 tiny size dolls.

1/6 dolls discontinued from October 1st:
Miya: http://www.5stardoll.com/goods.php?id=590
Mars: http://www.5stardoll.com/goods.php?id=552
Aiden: http://www.5stardoll.com/goods.php?id=246
Mia: http://www.5stardoll.com/goods.php?id=253
Ria: http://www.5stardoll.com/goods.php?id=252
Kane: http://www.5stardoll.com/goods.php?id=239
Kathy: http://www.5stardoll.com/goods.php?id=240
Todd: http://www.5stardoll.com/goods.php?id=249
Rex: http://www.5stardoll.com/goods.php?id=248


Clockwise from top left: Miya, Mars, Rex, Kathy, Mia, Kane, Aiden, Rta
Clockwise from top left: Miya, Mars, Rex, Kathy, Mia, Kane, Aiden, Rta


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