Fairyland News

Fairyland has an announcement posted regarding a new event starting this month.

From the company:

Dear customers,

This announcement is in regards to the upcoming event, celebrating 1 year anniversary of FeePle60 release.

1. Nanuri Event

– Duration: September 13, 2013 ~ October 13, 2013

– Contents: Customers are eligible to receive following gifts for orders priced;

a. $250 or above : PukiFee Swimming Flippers (BW skin)

b. $400 or above : PukiFee Diving Helmet (BW skin)

c. $600 or above : MiniFee Nanuri Head

d. $600 or above : PukiFee Swimming Set (A. diving helmet + B. swimming flippers)

e. $800 or above : FeePle60 Nanuri Head

f. $1500 or above : c + d + e

– Eligible price shown above EXCLUDES shipping fee.

– Chosen event gift must be included together in the order cart to receive it.

– One order is eligible for one event gift of designated price or lower. (eg. order which eligible for FeePle60 Head (e) may choose to receive MiniFee Head (c) instead, but not vice versa).

– Order containing a wrong event gift will be cancelled by the administrator and refunded if payment has already been made.

– Customers eligible for Option F should select put A, B, C and E gift options into the shopping cart. It is not possible to receive two or more items of same type (eg. it is not possible to request for a + a + b).

– Any existing orders participating in previous event are NOT eligible to participate in current event by placing combined orders. One order is eligible for one type of event only.

2. FeePle60 1 Year Anniversary Event – Body Sale

– FeePle60 body will be available for sale separately for the duration of the event.
Please note that product price has been changed. Tan Skin option is also available.

Orders priced $800 or above AND containing Tan Skin FeePle60 body or Tan Skin FeePle60 A la Carte can select Nanuri Head in Tan Skin option.
FeePle60 body or A la Carte in other skin tone are not eligible for Tan Skin Nanuri head.

3. EMS Shipping Fee adjustment

Since the last shipping fee adjustment at FairyLand, there has been increase in shipping fee set by EMS about 4 times.
While we tried to not reflect such increase in shipping fee at FairyLand, EMS shipping fee has been putting heavier burden on us and adjustment in current shipping fee is becoming inevitable.
Adjustment in shipping fee is due to happen around late 2013.

Shipping schedule guarantee
For customers ordering FeePle60 body and/or FeePle60 A la Carte (and no other dolls from different line-ups)* during the event period, we will be guaranteeing shipping of the order by December 13, 2013.
*Order may contain small resin body parts of different line-ups and accessories.

Due to higher number of orders received during the event period which can affect the overall processing time for all orders, this offer may end prematurely depending on the amount of received FeePle60 order.
In such case, announcement will be made on the noticeboard.

Final notice regarding upcoming Nanuri Event will be posted on September 13.
There may be some changes, updates and clarifications to frequently asked questions in regards to the current event information.
We advise you to check the new notice at the time of release.

Thank you.


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