Loren D. and Ines S.

43cm tall Loren D and Ines S are now available at DollnDoll. 25.5cm tall Bubble and Sugar are now available again for pre-order. Along with the new release and pre-order, DollnDoll is holding a small event.

From the company:

Today, the Appearance to the new girl of Spade type Diamond type !!

Received much love from Queen type,
Ines and Loren returned to the Spade and Diamond type.

Glad to see you again, and
Nice event to start.

Diamond; Loren.D
Spade; Ines.s

event 1.
Loren.D and Ines.s Free shipping.
(Together order to Loren.D and Ines.s,
another dollndoll’s doll is also Free shipping.)

*other company’s doll and Heart Sugar and Bubble excluded from free shipping.

event 2.

Loren.D and Ines.s give to membership point 10% and 10% discount.

event 3.

Heart type Bubble and Sugar resale.
(Event Sales Period; July 25 ~ August 25)

Bubble and Sugar give to membership point 10%

All of the company’s dolls may be ordered in normal or white skin resin. Default or custom face-up is available for Loren and Ines. Bubble and Sugar may be ordered with a face-up in style A or B.  Seam sanding service is also optionally available for all dolls


Loren D.
Loren D.
Ines S.
Ines S.

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