Pipos has posted dolls that will be released in July.
From the company:
Hello^^ This is piposdoll.
PIPOS “Melancholia” will be releasing first week of July 2013.
We’ll show the new PO13 line which was sold-out for a while.
Please refer the below releasing list.
1. PO13 Melancholia Limited Edition(offwhite Skin) – 15 set limited
2. PO11 Melancholia Limited Edition(offwhite Skin) 10 set limited
3. PO13 Basic edition(Nomal Skin)
PO13 Shell Pink
PO13 Robe Oldlace
PO13 Chiffon Cream
Basic versions of dolls Hara and Budle can be seen on the Pipos home page along with the Melancholia dolls. New outfits will be released for the dolls as well.