Bergemann Basic Dolls

Bergemann Dolls has posted new BJDs to the Basic BJD Shop. All dolls listed are blank in-stock dolls available for speedy shipping. They are listed by body type, and a choice of heads for each body type is available. Some bodies and heads on the site may also be purchased separately. Resin options vary with the doll selected. Optional default or artist face-up may be ordered. (the doll will not ship as quickly if face-up is added to the order.)

From the artist:

It’s up!  My brand new Basic BJD Shop  where you can buy in stock basic bjd’s by Bo Bergemann anytime you want!  I have put up some fabulous sculpts ready for you to complete them into your own original dolls. Or you can order an artist face up if you just want to make your own clothing.  Of course you can also have me do a face and purchase costuming from my Bo-tique  to end up with a completed doll that perfectly suites your own taste in a doll.
Please take a look around and let me know if there is any way I can help you.  In celebration of my new website several in stock basic BJD’s are on Sale at a discounted price through July 10, 2013.  Also, there are some sculpts that were previously s old out or never offered before as basics available now through this website.  So, if there is something by Bo Bergemann you missed out on or wished I would have offered another way – take a look.  There are BabyFat Emmie, Emily Ella & Bella in several resin colors as well as Silhouette body dolls in these same sculpts and my Adult MSD body dolls as well – all discounted through July 10, 2013 only.



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