Little Sarubia Released

New Little Harmony doll Little Sarubia is now available at Little Monica. As an event gift, heel leg parts will be included for free.

From the company:

Little Sarubia, it is version of Harmony Sarubia which you love, is launched finally.
It looks similar with Harmony Sarubia but it has more baby-face like a young Sarubia.
We hope that you love it a lot ahead and we hold the event for launching Little Sarubia.
When you purchase a body from June 18, 2013 to June 25, 2013, we provide you Heel-Leg-Parts for free. Therefore I hope to get a lot of attention from you.

The 41cm tall doll may be ordered in normal or white skin resin. Little Sarubia is being sold as a basic doll with a random color pair of  acrylic eyes.  Options for the doll include face-up, hand or full body blushing, wig and outfit.



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