Pipos Special Order 2

Pipos has launched the Special Order 2 event.

From the company:

2013 Special Event !!
Notice about PIPOS Special Order 2

You can order below dolls with special skin color within event period.
* The event period will be depends on each skin color.
Please refer and make sure the period.

< Event period >

[ 1st Special Order ]
April 16th 2013 ~ April 24th 2013 (Korean time, payment should be confirmed)
You can order Sienna Skin or Mint Skin. (Refer the below doll list)

[ 2nd Special Order ]
April 25th 2013 ~ May 2nd 2013 (Korean time, payment should be confirmed)
You can order Grey Skin or Pistachio Green Skin. (Refer the below doll list)

[ 3rd Special Order ]
May 3rd 2013 ~ May 10th 2013 (Korean time, payment should be confirmed)
You can order Yellow pale Skin or Mustard Skin or Pinky Skin. (Refer the below doll list)

* This special order does not has image for every skin color since it’ PIPOS Special Order which is every customers choose different doll and skin color.

* Please refer the previous doll image to choose the doll and Trudy(frog)s skin color to choose the skin color.

* Layaway payment option is possible. But cancellation wouldn’t be possible after you paid.
Please remind it.

* The amount(quantity) of Sienna skin color is fixed.

* Special order means “Customized Order”.

PI Cheshire
Star Cheshire
R.PI Demon
PO11 Luna

1. Sienna Skin
2. Mint Skin
3. Grey Skin
4. Yellow pale Skin
5. Pistachio Green Skin
6. Mustard Skin
7. Pinky Skin


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