Doria & Aaliyah Released

Doria and Aaliyah- The Addiction are now available for pre-order at IpleHouse.   The EID line dolls with newly designed bodies come with medium or large breasts and general or mobility thigh joints.  Doria may be ordered in white, normal, peach gold or special real resin.  Aaliyah may be ordered in peach gold, special real, light brown or ebony resin.

Doria and Aaliyah are being sold as basic dolls with both flat and heel feet and a random color pair of acrylic eyes. Options for the dolls include a fantasy vampire head, fantasy hands and feet, face-up (A or B) fantasy parts blushing (style A or B), outfit and horns (blank or blushed).

The first 10 full-set dolls purchased will receive a free gift.

From the company:

To celebrate opening of Doria and Aaliyah we are having a surprise event.

To first 10 customers who buys Doria and Aaliyah we will send free glass eyes used in the promotion photo.
Glass eyes will be attached in the doll.

– You have to pay the full amount at once.
– You have to buy the full set. (Clothes, Fantasy head, Fantasy parts, default make up)






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