Goodreau Doll News

American doll artist Paulette Goodreau of Goodreau Dolls and MIM is retiring from production doll making. Paulette previously made resin and vinyl dolls. Her latest line of dolls are called MIM (Make it Mine).

From the artist:

Annette and I have decided that we are retiring from the doll manufacturing business. I am still going to be a doll artist, but it will be OOAKs, designs for other companies, and perhaps some small runs of resin and vinyl for my charity projects.

The remainder of Goodreau Doll merchandise is moving to Toona Roona, we hope to make the transition in the next three weeks. ‘Till then my Goodreau doll website is down, you will be redirected to the Toona Roona website, and hopefully be able to order sometime in Dec. I am working as fast as I can to pack the Goodreau stock up.

I will still be at modern doll and I will be mentoring a few more artists this year. So I am still around and I still am working on what I would like to do with MIM, sell it, or close it down. Annette has encouraged me to start writing so perhaps after I sort MIM out I will finish the 4 books i am working on!!!!

We have done so much in the last 7 years I feel so very fortunate. Annette and I with the help of all of you have built successful companies and we have been able to help generate or directly give tens of thousands of dollars to charity. We will continue to do many charitable projects and continue to give what we can to a world that has given us so much. Love you all Paulette



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