Sha & Tender Shall Full-sets Released

Dream of Doll is releasing dolls in popular full-sets from the past. The company has now has re-released DOT line Sha and Tender Shall full-sets.
From the company:

Return-to-memory SEASON 1

In the dim memory, comes across our mind, hopeless love between Sha and Tender Shall…
Now, we’re trying to show you all their beautiful love~
This is as a ” Thank you” to all our dear customers who have been waited
for this event so long and so much and we do wish your love and interest in these dolls~!^^

The period is from Oct. 18, 2012 to Nov. 19.

Sha and Tender Shall are each being sold with face-up, eyes, wig, and outfit shown in the picture. 60 cm Shall comes with the girl new body.  Sha comes with a choice of boy new body 1 (64 cm)or 2 (63 cm), or he may be ordered with the DOI body (70 cm). Both dolls are being cast in normal skin resin.



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