~LoongSoul Dolls~ a Review (Part 1)

The BJDs of Chinese company Loongsoul are created by artist JiangShangXiaoLong.  After years of interest is their dolls, I finally acquired not one, but two BJDs from the company.  Since the dolls are completely different in size, I have decided to discuss each one separately. This article will focus on the company’s Ancient Legends line Limited Edition doll Tinboo.

Dragon Tinboo is one of two dragon children released at LoongSoul.  They are the first 1/6 size dolls from the company. They are also some of the first anthro dolls released at Loongsoul.  In honor of the company name which refers to the dragon and the Chinese Zodiac year of the dragon (2012) the company naturally wanted that their first fantasy creature dolls to be dragons. 27 cm tall  Tinboo and her brother Dinboo are limited editions.  My Tinboo was ordered as a full-set with face-up, body blushing, glass eyes, wig, outfit, magnetic dragon horns, and two different magnetic dragon tails. Tinboo was shipped with another larger doll in a very large box.

The doll was well-packed inside her doll box within a tube of plastic cushioning.  Timboo has been seam sanded and exquisitely blushed in pink and green with an iridescent sheen. She came with red glass eyes. Tinboo is double-jointed.  She has paws for hands and feet.  The doll is cast in white resin which has a very slight pink tint. The doll is also available in all the Loongsoul resin colors including Caesious which is a special color introduced for the dragons. Tinboo is still available, but not for long. The company will close pre-orders for both Tinboo and Dinboo on June 28.

Tinboo came with an elaborate outfit.  The halter-style top required that I remove Tinboo’s head to dress her. Her head is easy to take off and replace without tools.  The clothing was specially designed so that the tail could be worn.  I had a problem with a snap that made one wrist piece difficult to put on which I will need to adjust. The outfit is quite cute and suits the doll and her body painting. There are multiple layers with a cape, cloak, and necklace on top of the halter top and skirt. The wig is good quality and the magnetic horns and tail stayed on Tinboo’s head with little difficulty. I don’t have many 1/6 size outfits, but I tried on a handkerchief dress made from a project by gracefaerie designs.  It fit just fine.

Tinboo is a good poser.  She is limited occasionally by her tail and the tufts on the back or her calves getting in the way.  Her paws can easily be moved to her face. Her head would sometimes slip from position, so I may suede her neck joint.  her hand and foot paws are cute and pudgy.

I do not own many 1/6 size dolls, I but I happened to have a variety of wig colors to try on Tinboo. All were in colors that worked very well with her blushing and costume.  Customers who spring for the extra human parts will surely find her to be a versatile doll.  Her pointed ears would work well as elf ears. Her face-up is mostly pink with a slight blush of green above the eye. I am pleased with the quality and the charm of little Timboo. I look forward to seeing more dolls in this size by the company.

Part 2 of BJDcollectasy’s LoongSoul reviews: Ying Long

LoongSoul – company website

Special thanks to Mint on Card, international retailer for LoongSoul dolls, for their assistance on this project.

~LoongSoul Doll~ previous BJDcollectasy article on the company


Shipping box from LoongSoul being opened with some assistance
Shipping box from LoongSoul being opened with some assistance
Tinboo in her box
Tinboo in her box




Tinboo full-set
Tinboo full-set





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