June 4
The Luts Summer event has begun. Items that have been released include Senior Delf Verna, Senior Delf Thanos, Honey Delf Macaron, Kid Delf Boy Apple, Kid Delf Girl Peach and the 2012 Summer Event Head.
From the company:
Dates: June 4 – July 17
From Luts:
1. Period : 4th JUNE, 2012 17:00 p.m. ~ 17th JULY, 2012 17:00 p.m.
2. Target : Customers who order our dolls and other items during the event period.
* Order over $300 – 2012 Summer Event Head (compatible with JDF~SSDF size)
– Skin color option available: Real Skin Normal, Real Skin White
– We only offer Event Head gift to customers who order over $300.
– Please make a note about it at the request blank.
– If you don’t choose color, we will give you Real Skin Normal.
– If you want make up for event head, please order
‘MAKE UP FOR ALL’ in OPTION PARTS Category ($55)
and write which make up type(A, B) you want when you order.
– If you order make up and don’t choose the type, we will offer make up type A.
* Order over $400 – 2012 Summer Event Head + Free face-up
– We offer Free face-up service for customers who order over $400.
– If you order a doll, you can get a free face-up for your new one. If not, we will offer it for the event head.
Anyway please write which head you would get a free face-up for.
– If you order a doll and don’t say anything, we will offer it for Summer Event Head.
– If you paid for a face-up already, your money will be placed to store credit without notice.

Doll fashion designer Chesca has posted a schedule for June for Slinky Neko. She will be releasing a Unique AnotherSpace2 Blue doll this month. The doll can be seen on the Slinky Neko website. Blue is being sold as a full-set with clown face-up, full outfit and handmade mask.
June 5
Dollmore has now posted Somnambulinsomnia Elf Dahlia. She is a limited edition of 30 dolls. Elf Dahlia is cast in normal skin resin. She will come with an elf head with face-up, glass eyes, wig and full outfit (dress, 25 flower brooches, underskirt, shoes). Elf Dahlia comes with free shipping.(No additional items can be added to Dahlia’s shipping box.)
Sseiren Doll has released a new 1/3 Mobility Rake Body. The new body has double jointed elbows and knees. Upper thigh joints have been added. The body can be optionally chosen for any Rake dolls ordered. Additionally, the new body can be purchased separately. Ssieren dolls are cast in a choice of white rose or flesh tone resin.
June 6
DollClans has released new doll head Siber and re-released the Kien and Vezeto heads. The company celebrates it’s first anniversary this month.
From the company:
Siber, Kien and Vezeto can be purchased blank head or with default face up at your choice
[Pre-order period]June 6th, 2012 (13.00 hr) ~ June 20th, 2012 (19.00 hr).
Bangkok, Thailand time GMT+7
Kien-I have an army, a special head face up by artist Atrium Hoshino will be release on 6-6-2012 in limited quantity.
Doll Leaves will be releasing different dolls in new limited edition versions. The first doll, new 1/4 V boy, has been posted. He is being sold as a basic doll with optional face-up.
from Doll Leaves:
Dear lovely Doll Leaves Families,
To Celebrate the beautiful SUMMER, we will release a new special line –ANOTHER ME!
This line will come with a series of our popular doll with special
style and special skin color. All dolls in this series will be limited
The first one is V boy edition with wheat skin. Limited 20 sets Global! Hope you like!
Nikki Britt of Little Fairy Tails BJDs has announced that she is now taking pre-orders for her first faun release, 17 cm tall Felix. The ordering period will be from June 6th through July 6th. The limited edition dolls are scheduled for an Oct-Nov delivery date.
Felix is available either as a basic doll or as a full-set in peach resin. Full-set Felix comes with magnetic hair piece, face-up, glass eyes, baby horns, and both hooves and human feet. Basic Felix does not come with human feet. The doll is available in peach resin only for this pre-order. Felix is also available through authorized retailer Fabric Friends and Dolls.
June 7
DikaDoll is releasing two new 73 cm tall dolls, Paradise and Lethe. The dolls can be ordered in normal yellow, normal pink, pure white, ivory white, tan or grey resin (grey and tan are special request colors). Paradise and Lethe are sold blank with a random pair of eyes. The face-ups shown on the dolls are optionally available. Paradise and Lethe can be ordered with a choice of either the 3-part or 5-part torso doll body. The dolls will be sold at a 12% discount until June 20.

June 8
Ocean Moon has released a new version of 50 cm tall doll BoNee. Full-set Miko BoNee comes with a Japanese Miko costume. The doll is being cast in normal skin resin.
From Ocean Moon:
Miko BoNee (BoNee in Miko garment, Japan’s traditional Shaman Woman’s garb) is on sale.
Head + Girl Body / Acrylic eyes 18mm(Random color) / Blanket / Box /
Face-up / eyelashes 2-pairs (2-layered, Black) / face protection cap / Wig /
5-pieces garment :
Eri (Collar piece) / Hakui(Top piece) / Hibakama (Skirt) / Tabi (Socks) / Thread Necklace
Two new full-set versions of Elle and Emma are now being released for pre-order at Momocolor. Blue rose Elle is a limited edition of 10 dolls with a special face up by Poppy and outfit by Moi atelier. Bunka ningyō Emma is a limited edition of 5 with a special face up by Poppy and
outfit by La Maison Du Aile. Both of the 29 cm tall full-set dolls are being cast in white resin.
RosenLied has released a new version Wednesday’s Child boy body.
From the company:
Hello everyone, this is Rosen Lied.
Here is the new update list for June 8th.
**The update will be at 7:00 pm (Korean time)**
[Release of new Basic dolls]
Wednesday’s Child Basic Louie
Wednesday’s Child Basic Benjamin
Basic Louie and Basic Benjamin will be released with new version of Wednesday’s child boy body.
Wednesday’s Child basic Louie and Benjamin are cast in normal or white skin skin resin. They will come with a random color pair of acrylic eyes, wig, and a pair of underwear. Face-up is optionally available.

DollnDoll has two new Heart line dolls listed. 25.5 cm tall Scilla and Zinnia are available in a choice of normal or white skin resin. The dolls are sold non-assembled (kit form) or assembled, with or without seam sanding. Scilla and Zinnia will come with a random color pair of acrylic eyes and a random wig. Optional face-up is available.

June 9
ImplDoll has two new basic Imp Baby line dolls available, Olina and Evan. The 26 cm tall dolls are sold blank with a random pair of glass eyes. Face-up, body blushing, outfit and wig are optionally available. Resin color choices include pink, real, white, grey or tan.
Doll Leaves has released a new Another Me. 1/4 size Another Me Kira is a limited edition of 20 dolls in new suntanned skin resin. Suntanned Kira is being sold as a blank doll with optional face-up.
Basic Kira will be released in normal and white skin only.
June 10
Jpop Dolls is now taking pre-orders for an exclusive doll from French doll Artist Nefer Kane. 37 cm tall Paige is available blank, with face-up or with face-up and body blushing. The doll has double jointed elbows and knees and is very poseable. She is being cast in cream white resin. Paige will come with a random color pair of glass eyes. The pre-order period ends July 8. Shipping is expected in October/November.
Donny Harijanto of Dream High Studio has released a new micro fairy. Dragonia is a limited edition of 25. The 7cm tall doll will come with onyx eyes, transparent wings and horn cap, head-cap, face-up and body blushing.
A second doll is also available, 14 cm tall Ilonia Elf. She will be available in a choice from five resin colors. Ilonia will be a limited edition of 25 dolls. Each doll will include a face-up, body blushing and eyes. Ilonia will ship for free.