March 19 – 25, 2012

March 19 ~~~~~


DIM (Doll in Mind) has released a new version of the 1/3 size Love line female body. The body is listed as 57.5 cm tall. For a very limited time, the body will be sold at a discount price.



Doll fashion shop 4D is now selling a doll head created by doll artist Marie Rose. The new head is called 01 (Noah), and it is designed to fit 1/3 Volks and similar size doll bodies. A face-up can be optionally ordered.

From 4D:

Mary Rose Original Head 01 :

Noah (Basic Skin)

* Adaptable Ball Joint Doll Body :

volks SD9 Boy or Girl, volks SD13/SD17 Boy, Luts SSDF/ SDF Boy, and so on..

* Adaptable eyes :

14~16mm (The Eye Size of the Photos are 16mm)

* Head Size :

9 inches

* Skin Color Standard :

volks Pure Skin Normal



March 20 ~~~~~


March 21 ~~~~~


IpleHouse has released new Special edition YID dolls Emilia and Erica. They will be available in normal, special real skin and in new color peach gold resin. The new YID girl’s body comes with the mobility thigh joint option and breast size options medium, large and glamour. 58.7 cm tall Erica and Emelia come with a random color pair of acrylic eyes and both flat and heel feet. Options for the dolls include a choice of wig, outfit set and face-up.  The outfit comes in a choice of pink or blue version. Three face-up styles are available for each doll. Pre-order period for the dolls ends April 15.



Partholon is now available at Boy & Girl Doll (B & G Doll). The 1/3 size doll can be ordered in normal pink, normal yellow, white or tan skin resin. Basic Partholon will come with random color eyes, wig and “bedgown”. Options for the doll include a basic, nexangerus or special request face-up.



Migidoll will be releasing Limited Emma ver.1 on March 17.  The doll will be the first 1/6 size release from the company.  25.5 Emma will be sold with wig, outfit, shoes and eyes. She will be cast in a choice of normal or white skin resin.



March 22 ~~~~~


The Gem has released Tridy & Trona – Little Deviltaurs.  The Special Order dolls come in a choice of red resin (Tridy) or normal resin (Trona). Each 1/6 size Teenie Gem Centauroid doll comes with horns, wings, heart shaped tail and alternate human hands. Options for Tridy and Trona include face-up, body blushing, and Deviltaur eyes. The wigs and outfit can be purchased separately. The special Soom Deviltaur eyes can also be purchased separately.

tridy trona


Doll Artist Bo Bergemann has posted photos of new limited edition full-set Addie in Blue at her website Bergemann Dolls. The 18 cm tall doll is dressed in a blue and white outfit similar to the previously released Addie in Pink. She can be ordered in opaque shimmer resin or translucent pink sugar resin. Limited quantities of the full-set are available. Addie can also be purchased blank or with optional face-up.



March 23

LINA ChouChou has a new full-set doll posted for spring, Honey Bunny Marie. Only 5 dolls will be available. She will be sold on March 24th starting at 9:00 (Korean time). Honey Bunny Marie is cast in white resin. The doll will come with face-up, mohair wig, dark red glass eyes, outfit (dress, tie, rabbit cap, ribbon brooch, armband, drawers, knee socks) and maryjane style shoes.



March 24

CozyDoll’s  new doll head is named Reley. His pre-order will be open until March 28. Reley is available in normal skin resin and is designed to go on a 1/3 size (60-65 cm tall) boy body. Face-up for the head is not available.



March 25


Ringdoll has posted new the Ring Sweet line boy doll body.  The body may now be purchased separately.  The first doll  that was released, Bobo, is also available as both a full-set and as a basic doll. The 27 cm tall doll comes in pure normal or white skin resin. Photos of the body can be seen HERE.



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