The Italian doll artist Linda Macario’s first dolls in resin are being sold exclusively through Jpop Dolls.
From Grace of Jpop:
“I first saw Linda’s work in Doll Reader. The innocent expressions of the faces captured my heart. I then saw her one-of-a-kind “Alice” and purchased her from Let’s Play Dolls, Linda’s retailer for her OOAK dolls.”
“Alice came, and I fell in love with her. She conveyed the simple purity of childhood but yet, lent herself to my imagination. Being a lover of BJD’s, I wished she were made in resin, so I could play with her and dress her as I pleased. I saw in Linda’s doll the possibility of play; they could easily be transformed to the owner’s fantasy. The faces that Linda sculpts are timeless; they can be children of any historic age. I could see Alice in an antique dress or one of vintage fabric from the 50’s. I contacted Linda to see if she had any plans for resin BJD’s, We formed a friendship, and her resin BJD’s were born. Currently, we expect our shipment of Iris, who is wonderfully large, and May her tiny will soon follow… We hope to do many more in the future…”
BJDcollectasy interviewed Linda to find out more about her and about her expansion into resin BJDs.
Q: Linda, were you always interested in dolls? What inspired you to make dolls of your own?
A: I played with colours and clays since I was a child, drawing and sculpting were my favorite activities. The first doll that caught my heart was an antique reproduction I saw when I was 10 years old in a shop window during a trip with my grandmother to England, but the moment I decided to start making dolls was when I discovered OOAK dolls in polymer clay about 13 years ago. I saw in a magazine the dolls of Italian artist Laura Scattolini and discovered a whole new world. This was a great inspiration, and I decided that I would try to create a doll of my own.
Q: When did you first start making your own dolls?
A: My first doll was a little baby in polymer clay that looked more like a little frog…I sculpted it in 1999.
Q: Do you have any photos of your first doll? Have all your dolls been BJDs?
A: I have no photos of my first doll that was a little ugly polymer clay baby. I started with baby dolls in Cernit, and only two years ago I discovered the BJD world. The dolls I prefer are Japanese BJD OOAK dolls. (also bisque BJDs).
Q: How did you learn to make BJDs?
A: I bought the doll-making guide from Mr Ryo Yoshida and made experiments. I used this book as a start, but with practice, I’ve developed some personal techniques that make my dolls unique and quite different.
Q: Can you tell me about your experiences working in different materials?
A: I’ve worked for a long time with polymer clays like Cernit, Fimo and Prosculpt but when two years ago I tried air-dry clay, I found my favorite material. This kind of clay is more workable, and I like to take my time and add or remove clay when it is dry to achieve the result I have in mind.
Q: Does your way of working differ now that you are making dolls that are being cast in resin?
A: Making dolls that will be cast in resin is not simple and requires attention that I don’t need for one-of-a-kind dolls. But is a joy to see the simple clay sculpt transform into a perfect resin doll.
Q: Do you design dolls that are made specifically to be cast in resin?
A: I’m working for Jpop Dolls now, and the pieces I sculpt for them are specifically designed for resin casting, I’m now working on a 1/4 size doll for them right now.
Q: What doll sizes do you like working in?
A: I like to sculpt small dolls (30cm) and 1/4 dolls but it depends on what inspires me at the moment.
Q: Is Iris the biggest doll you have made? Can you tell me a little more about her?
A: Iris is my biggest BJD. She was created using a special polystyrene armature I bought from Japan. I loved to sculpt her, and she is well proportioned. Sewing for her is simpler than for smaller dolls.
Q: So what inspires your work?
A: I’m very inspired by children, a picture in a magazine or a movie scene, sometimes a novel or a book. The inspiration is the best moment of doll creation, you never know when it will arrive. I have a sketchbook where I draw and write my ideas. Not all will become a doll, but this helps me to create an archive of ideas.
Q: Do you think living in Firenze (Florence) also has an effect on your art?
A: Firenze is a city of arts, each church, street, and museum is filled with art, and surely this influenced me since I was a child.
Q: Your first doll was a baby and now you make little girl dolls. Do you think you will eventually make pre-teens or older girls or make a boy doll?
A: Sure I will do older girls soon, not sure about boys, but who knows…
Q: Do you make clothing and wigs for your dolls?
A: I love to sew for my dolls and sometimes I make mohair wigs for my OOAK dolls from natural fibers.
Q: How did you start making dolls for Jpop Dolls?
A: Grace contacted me and asked me if I wanted to make a resin line of my dolls. She is a wonderful person, and I hope to do many dolls with her. I’m very happy how Iris and May came out.
Q: Will you be releasing dolls in different resin colors in the future?
A: Probably yes, I will discuss it with Grace.
Photos above: Iris and May.
Jpop Dolls – Exclusive retailer for Linda Macario resin BJDs
Linda Marario Dolls – Linda’s OOAK dolls can be seen here
Linda’s Blog

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