~Ruby Red BJD~

Ruby Red Galleria/Ruby Red BJD (or RRG for short) opened two years ago, but much of their experienced staff are from their long-established and renown parent doll manufacturing company (who prefer to stay anonymous at this time).” In terms of a consistent high quality doll experience, RRG is probably the oldest and the most experienced ‘2 year’company ever.” according to company representative Anna.  The RRG staff is “a group of talented and enthusiastic doll designers” who strive to create items of high quality with an  attention to detail. The company sells both doll fashion lines and doll lines. RRG produces a wide variety of doll fashions from casual to “haute couture” for dolls of many sizes. Their current doll lines include “In Motion” ™ Girls; 12” Senson ™ dolls; 8” Strawberina ™ dolls; and 4.5” Honee-B ™. Honee-B is their only resin doll at this time, and the company has been regularly releasing new full-set versions of her since she was unveiled at IDEX 2011. 


Q: Can you tell give me some information on your new tiny doll Honee-B?
A:She is 4.5″ tall Ball Joint Doll and made out of high quality resin material. It comes with changeable face, hands and feet by magnet. Also, her wig and acrylic eyes could be changed too. Although, she is tiny, she is able to do many different poses and stand stably.

1beecoloredHonee-B also has her own story. She is 5 years old. She is the only child of a family, who often feels lonely, even though she was never left alone.  Despite that, Honee-B becomes independent, sentimental and sometimes moody. She has no brother and sister to play with, so she makes friends with bugs and flowers in the backyard and plays with them.

Every doll set is a limited edition. In the set,  you could find the doll, outfits, wig, shoes and accessories. There is also a limited postcard in the box, which tells the story and the design concept of Honee-B.

Q: Can you tell me anything about the designers behind the Honee-B doll?
A: RRG designs are created, not by any one single individual, but  by a team of  enthusiastic young female artists who  share a common addiction to Asian  style dolls.   Influenced by Japanese TV comic  characters and  by Asian  manga culture,  they are all  graduates  from  the  local  Hong Kong  design colleges.  Their works comprise, but are not limited to, new product sketches preparation, product designs and development, sourcing raw materials, new sample preparations, designing new packaging artwork, taking  photographs; etc…

Q:Can you tell me more about Honee-B’s faceplates?
A: Honee-B  is  designed  with  2 different faces. One is moody and  and another face  is a  surprised  look. The  2  different faces are  easily changeable  and held in with magnets. Each doll comes with one face. 

Q: Will other faces for Honee-B be made available for sale?
A: We plan to launch a new face with  a naughty expression in January at 2012

Q: Does Honee-B’s clothing fit other dolls?
A: She is 4.5” tall and her  clothing  fits  the  Brownie and PukiPuki  dolls.

Q: What is the difference between Ruby Red Galleria and Ruby Red BJD?
A: Ruby Red Galleria is our  multi-platform trademark name and also our brand name catering to a wide  varieties of dolls  and related doll fashions and accessories – which includes not just Asian style BJD dolls; but also includes Artist/Collectable doll lines, Reborn Baby lines and even an Antique type doll line.

RubyRedBJD, on the other hand, is just our online  brand name focused  more  on the BJD  markets; not just for our doll designs: such as the Honee-B and our InMotion Girls, but also offers other ABJD doll fashion accessories suitable for the MSD, Littlefee, YOSD, Lati Yellow, Rosenlied Monday, Blythe and Pullip  dolls etc… alike.  

Q: InMotion Girls, Senson dolls, Strawberina,  – what materials are these dolls made from? Are they ball jointed? Did the same design team that worked on these dolls design Honee-B?
A: InMotions Girls are made out of high quality vinyl and hard plastic with BJD moveable function joints, changeable wigs, eyes, hands and feet. FYI, our small creative team  of designers works on both the  InMotion Girls series and Honee-B  dolls at the same time. Even though these 2 type of dolls are made out of two different materials, these 2 different dolls do share in the same basic doll functionality features.

Q: Can you tell me more about the clothing/shoe/wig lines you have for BJDs? How often do you release new styles?

1heatybabycoloredA:  Our  RubyRedBJD Fashion Boutique items now fit  a whole variety of different size BJD dolls, such as Blythe, Pullip, Lati Yellow, Pukifee, YOSD, Rosenlied Monday, MSD, InMotions Girls, Puki Puki; with even more to come. With  our  vast array of designer  outfits; dresses, shoes,  handbags, jewelries, hairpieces, doll cases, etc…, one can easily  upgrade one’s precious dolls into  more  trendy costumes, from top to bottom; from head to toe.   Since RubyRedBJD items are made with uncompromising attention to high quality  details, one can easily mix-n-match to create different final costume possibilities to transform  one’s  dolls  to end up unique and enviable in the eyes of the public and other doll collectors  alike! Plus every month  we intend to release new exciting doll outfits and  new fashion accessories designs. Finally and best of all, all these awesome different designer doll outfits and doll accessories  at various affordable price points are all available for one’s easy selection, all  under one roof .

Q: You carry a lot of tiny doll items. Would you say you specialize in small outfits? Is there any plans to expand to larger size doll outfits?
A: Due to our  current limited human  resources, we now concentrate on the various doll sizes as above mentioned only.  For  more innovative and more creative future designs, we would hope to attract new  talented and gifted artists to join our progressive company soon.

Q: Do you have plans for other resin dolls at this time?
A:Yes, we are working  on a new tiny Bleuette BJD doll made out of resin material right now. This new resin doll is expected to reach the market around the middle of 2012. This tiny resin Bleuette, however, is intended for the more mature and classical doll collector market and not at the  BJD  minded younger market.

Q: Will you release any new Honee-B special sets before the end of the year (perhaps Christmas?)
A: Yes, we will release 2 new design sets for X’mas season:
New doll set name: The Red & Blue Beetle, Limited edition-50pcs,launch date,late September.
New doll set name: temporarily called “Winter Joker”, Limited edition-50pcs, launch date late October (still under development).

 Photos above: Honee-B in limited full-set “The Bumble Bee” and in outfit  “Hearty Baby”

Ruby Red BJD – BJD Boutique: Ball jointed dolls (plastic, ABS & resin) and doll fashions, wigs and shoes

Ruby Red Galleria – Company main site

List of Authorized retailers for Ruby Red Galleria/Ruby Red BJD can be found HERE.

Honee-Bee Dance with Me
Honee-B Dance with Me



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