August 15 – 21, 2011

August 15

Dream High Studio has released the new micro doll Flora.  Flora is cast in glow-in-the-dark normal skin resin. 7 cm tall Flora will come with black onyx bead eyes, face-up, body blushing  and “surprise packaging”. Only 30 of the dolls will be released.


Immortality of Soul has released Jaguar for sale.  The 70 cm tall doll is limited to only 22 full dolls in white skin resin at this time. (At the time of this post, about half were sold.)

From IoS:

Hello~This’s IOS*^^*
Here’s a sale notice of ‘ jaguar ‘ (Must-read)
1. We are selling ‘ jaguar ‘ which includes ‘head+70body’ and ‘head’.
*Please be sure to check this!
**’head+70body’ is a limited offer of 22 units
**’head’ is not a limited offer!!
This time, ‘ jaguar ‘ of New White skin color is available only!!
2. A head and its teeth are not seperated.
3. In case of ‘head’, Use caution when ordering it. We have no idea whether they are compatible with those(body) of other companies.
4. ‘ jaguar ‘ tends to have short sale periods comparing to other products.
Please check this~*^^*
5. This sale will not resell any more.
It was a special limited release. We can no longer sell them.


August 16

The Gem will be releasing a new version of Super Gem doll Cass called Cass – La Mélinite. 50 Special Order dolls will be released  August 17that 9:00 AM Korean time. Dolls that are special order are not limited editions, however the company plans to release them infrequently and in limited quantities.


CozyDoll has released a new doll head named Emile. The head is available August 16, 12:00 PM ~ August 18 16:00 PM (2 days only). Emile is cast in white skin resin. He is designed to fit Volks SD13 and similar size dolls. A free gift of cat ears will be given to random customers who purchase Emile. (See flyer below.) Face-up is not offered, and the cat ears will come blank.


Doll Chateau  is releasing five new dolls. They are named Merlin, Faust, Lilith, Vivian and Faramita. Four of the dolls are a new size – BB (1/6 baby line) for the company.  The last doll is a little resin creature.   The dolls can all be ordered in normal pink, normal yellow, or white skin resin. The dolls will come  blank or as full sets with face-up, glass eyes, wig and outfits shown. Body blushing can be optionally ordered.


August 17

LoongSoul has now released their new 69cm Grace line  girl Luoyue. The company has also released the 69 cm tall girl body for purchase separately. The doll will only be available for a limited time.

From the company:

The LuoYue girl will release only in 2011.8.16—2011.10.15
You can choose white skin or normal pink skin, they are limited skin color choices.
We doesn’t sell the head only, because LuoYue is limited girl.
Luoyue comes with  a random pair of acrylic eyes. Options for the doll include face-up, wig, outfit, eyes and shoes.


Bergemann Dolls has now released new 1/4 size doll Ambriel in a new outfit from Dollheart.  The Blue Clown Suite version of Ambriel is available in a limited edition. Both the Pink Trapeze Artist full-set and the Blue Clown Suite full-set  dolls can now be ordered in any of the three resin colors available; pink sugar, brown sugar or shimmer. (brown sugar will cost $30 extra.) The 44 cm tall Ambriel can fit into most 1/4 size doll clothing.  Her measurements can be found HERE. Ambriel is also available on a blank basic form.  At this time, the basic doll is being sold at a reduced price.  A face-up is available for an additional fee.


August 18

Boy & Girl Doll (B & G Doll) has two “Mini Tow” dolls posted on their website The Old World. Coloara.Mlezzlir and  Milaya.Windhunter are being sold as full-set dolls. 28cm tall Coloara.Mlezzlir comes in grey skin resin. He is being sold as a full-set with eyes, wig, outfit, jewelry, sword, shield, shoes and face-up. 25cm tall Milaya.Windhunter will come in a full-set with eyes, wig, outfit, jewelry, bow, shoes and face-up. She is being cast in normal skin resin. Jewelry on the dolls may vary.


August 19

SupiaDoll has introduced a new doll sculpt.  Nael is a new 58 cm girl.  Supia dolls are cast in normal skin resin. Nael can be ordered with ball or double jointed body. Options for the doll include face-up, wig and eyes, and heel feet. Layaway is available.


August 20~~~~

August 21

Napi Doll has released new doll head Naya.  Naya is available in a choice of normal or white skin resin. Face-up is optionally available. Napi doll heads are designed to fit  Volks SD9 girl, SD13 girl or similar size doll bodies.


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