July 4 – 10, 2011

July 4

DreamingDoll has released a new version of Elva line Khan called Handsome Guy Khan. He can be ordered in normal or white skin resin. The 63 cm tall Khan comes with a random pair of glass eyes and a random wig. Face-up is available optionally. Dreaming Dolls are sculpted by doll artist Baron.




Neo-AngelRegion has now released new iMda doll Babette. The order period for the doll is July 4-15.  The 30.5 cm tall doll was sculpted by doll artist Lim, dong a. Babette is cast in normal skin resin. Options for the doll include face-up, grey eyes, outfit (onepiece, underwear, hat, socks), shoes and wig.


July 5

SID line Denzel has now been added to the basic dolls at IpleHouse.  65 cm tall Denzel can be ordered in normal or white skin urethane or in special real skin for an additional fee. (The doll will not be available in darker skin tones at this time due to casting problems with tan skin in summer.) Denzel can be ordered with a general or mobility body.  Face-up shown is optionally available.


MuculDoll is a new doll company.  The tiny dolls are sold through an Etsy shop. Buu comes with a choice bodies, regular or tiny.  Regular Buu is 16.5 cm tall, and tiny Buu is 13.5 cm tall. The dolls will be limited to no more than 30 of each type. Buu is sold blank and is cast in normal or tan resin. Face-up is optional.  Layaway is available.


July 6

Peak’s Woods is introducing a new line of dolls called Fairy of Spider. The dolls are the same size as the 1/4 FOB doll line.
From the company:
We are releasing a new FOB line doll named KoonieS.
 She is a Fairy of Spider and to celebrate her birth, two different face ups will be provided as options for good.
First 10 orderers of KoonieS will be given 10% discount and every purchase will offer the chance of purchasing extra head part plus each make up.
The clothes and shoes might be sold out soon since the quantities are limited.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
42 cm tall KoonieS is available in normal or white skin resin with a choice of normal or large breast piece.  She will come with an extra pair of hands and a pair of acrylic eyes.  Options for KoonieS include basic of special face-up, extra head with or without face-up, outfit  and shoes.

As part of their 7th Anniversary event, Leeke World has released Limited Edition Project dolls M line Florence and Clarice and D line Clover. The 41.5 cm tall  M line dolls come with a re-designed “art body”. D line Clover comes with a new “gentle body”.  The dolls are being sold blank.  Options for all of the dolls include face-up, body blushing, wigs, eyes and shoes. (Clover can be ordered with a choice of blushing; Pink or violet.) The dolls can be ordered in basic skin, snow skin or purerose skin resin. Florence, Clarice and Clover will be available for pre-order until August 15.

Gentle body
Gentle body


Leeke World has released the new Project dolls L line Khal vampire.  The release is part of Leekeworld’s 7th Anniversary celebration.
Khal is being sold with the newly designed “solid muscle boy body”. He is being sold as a basic blank doll.  Options choices available for Kael include face-up (“pale” or “dark”), wig, eyes, hand or full body blushing, outfit, (“Bloody Night” or “Recluse of Dark”) and shoes. The 67 cm tall doll can be ordered in purerose skin, snow skin or basic skin resin. Kael is a limited edition, and he will be available for pre-order until August 15.


July 7

Illusion Spirit has released three new 71 cm tall boy dolls named LingLong, Ying Nian and Zi Xuan. The dolls are being sold with a random color pair of eyes. Illusion Spirit dolls can be ordered in normal yellow, normal pink, white or for an additional fee, tan or grey resin. The company has a summer event currently running.  Dolls ordered before August 19 will recieve a 12% discount Blank dolls are discounted only (no face-up).  Bodies are available at a 10% discount. Jointed hands are $10 off. (Grey and tan resin dolls, bodies and hands  are not included in this promotion.)

Ying Nian
Zi Xuan


Leeke World limited edition Glamour Girl body is posted. The body will be available for sale July 7 – August 15. The 57.8 cm tall special body with head will be sold with eyes.  Options for the doll will include face-up, body blushing and wig. The glamour body doll will be available in a choice of basic or snow skin resin.



Two new doll heads were recently added to Or-Doll.  They are named Limos and Eris. The heads are cast in a choice of normal or white skin resin. Face-up is optionally available. Limos is designed to fit a Volks13 size boy body and Eris is designed to fit a Volks SD10, SD13 or SD16 girl body.  The normal skin resin color is similar to Volks freshskin resin.

1limos 1eris

Granado has now released their new doll Scout. The 64 cm tall doll can be ordered in a choice of normal or sunshine  (light tan) resin.(Sunshine costs extra.) Options for the doll include face-up and jointed hands. He is available for pre-order until August 28. The doll is the first in a series called the “Cinderella Project”.


July 8

The Gem pulled their new Monthly doll for July, Migma Rauco of Sin, briefly yesterday.  The BJD is now back up for sale today. The doll will be available for pre-order until July 23.
The doll can be ordered in a choice of cream white or light violet resin. Migma comes with a Super Gem big breast human body and a an extra “hollow” head, bat legs and paws, long fingernail hands, heel feet and transparent black resin horns and batwings. Options for Migma include an additional human body, face-up for one or both heads, body blushing, Soom eyes, wig, outfit set,  and shoes.


July 9

The Doll Peddlar has an exclusive limited edition Soul Doll Zenith 70 cm line doll called The Marauder. Only 20 dolls are being made.  The Marauder will be cast in normal skin resin. He will come with a  limited edition face-up. 16mm blue eyes, outfit shown, mohair wig and  a pair of boots by Luts.  He will also  include a certificate and printed name plate including the name of the doll, Soul Doll and The Doll Peddlar.



July 10 ~~~~~~


2 thoughts on “July 4 – 10, 2011”

  1. I do not know if they plan to re-release her or not. You could ask the company directly. They have re-released some older dolls now and then.

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