~Elf Hat~


From gracefaerie of gracefaerie designs

This easy-to-make hat by gracefaerie was inspired by paintings by Odd Nerdrum, though the actual design is unique.  The shape of the hat emphasizes an elven doll’s pointy ears!

Odd Hat– a simple PDF pattern

The hat was originally designed for KazeKidz 1/4 size elf dolls, but the pattern can be re-sized for other types of dolls. gracefaerie has reduced the pattern to 80% to fit PlanetDoll girls, and BJDcollectasy has found that the full size pattern also fit some 1/3 dolls.

Instructions from gracefaerie:

1.Cut the hat from heavy knit fabric, on the bias. I used a double knit rayon blend, but a cotton or wool knit would work too. (Pre-shink wool or cotton knit before cutting the hat.)


2.With right sides together, stitch the center back seam. Begin stitching at the lower back edge, and end at the center front edge.

3.Soak the hat in water.

4.Paint the hat with acrylic paint while the hat is wet.


5. Stuff the hat with thin produce bags to form the shape of the hat. Place a chopstick or dowel into a narrow jar or vase, and

“hang up” the hat to dry.


6. When the acrylics dry, the hat will stiffen into shape.


Note:  The hat should be made of non-fraying material. It was made by BJDcollectasy is from a doubleknit canvas material. The hat was painted simply with green craft paint and touches of copper iridescent paint to match her doll’s outfit.

Doll shown is LE KazeKidz Annabella elf by Kaye Wiggs.  Elf outfit is by Nancie of Nankatts created from the pattern #52 Big News by gracefaerie designs.





gracefaerie’s hat shown here on her KazeKidz doll. KazeKidz Miki elf is wearing an outfit made from pattern #51 Ginger:

51-where-are-you-going-back-web 51-where-are-you-going-front-web 51-where-are-you-going-side-web

To see more projects for this pattern, please visit ~Elf Hat Variations~.

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