~Fairy Crown Tutorial~


By Charie Wilson Grenier

A tutorial for a lacy crown decorated with beads, crystals, and/or Dimensional paint. The outfit shown on ImplDoll Tdelia was also created by Charie who sells her fashions through the  Charie Wilson Etsy Store.

Basic Materials for Crown:

One piece of French Lace 9″ long
One tube of Acrylic paint of your choice
One 1″ by 9″ strip of felt to match your crown
One jar of Paverpol Textile Hardener or other fabric stiffening agent of your choice, the strongest you can find.
Aleen’s Thick Designer Glue

Dimensional Paint Version:

Tulip Glitter Dimensional Paint(s)

Beaded Version:

One tube Interference Gold fine Golden acrylics (this adds a sheen to the paint)
2 or three colors of glass seed beads
Beading needle
thread to match the paint colour of your crown


Small crystals with flat backs
Instant Grip Glue or Jewelry glue
5mm stretch magic jewelry cord (clear elastic cord)

The materials listed can be found in various places; craft stores, fabric stores  (including Joann Fabric), through Amazon and in online art supply stores including Dick Blick.

For Both Crowns:

Step 1
Paint your lace.
The yellow crown was painted with both paint and gold Interference paint. Mix 1 part of the main acrylic paint colour to 1/2 part gold Interference. Mix well, then paint your lace. Paint one side and let it dry, then turn it over and paint the other side.


Step 2
Using Paverpool or another fabric stiffener of your choice, paint one side of painted lace. Let dry. Flip over and paint the other side.


Step 3
hang your lace to up dry. ( I use a large straight pin and pin strip to my ironing board.) I let the piece dry overnight).


When it is dry, you should be able to bend the crown and it will hold its shape.



Beaded version:

Now it’s time to bead your dry stiffened piece of painted lace.

I like to use 2 different colors of seed beads, but you can use as many colors as you like. The beads are hand-sewn to the crown using a beading needle. (note: Do not  decorate the end where the crown will be glued – see finishing instructions.)


Dimensional Paint version:

Step 1
Put a dime size amount of Tulip Glitter Dimensional paint in paint tray.


Step 2
Paint both sides of your painted lace and hang to dry the same way as you did for stiffening drying.


Step 3
With fine point Dimensional paint in contrasting color, practice making small dabs of paint on a scrap piece of paper. (I used gold metallic for this crown.) When you are ready, add dabs wherever you would like them on your crown. Let dry. I leave mine for at least hour to make sure it is dry.


Optional for Both Crowns:

You can glue crystals to your crown. Decide where you would like to add your crystal accents, and glue them in place with Instant Grip glue or jewelry glue. If you cannot find any small enough, you can use dimensional paint in a contrasting shade to decorate your crown.


Finishing the Crown:

Felt lining:

When everything is dried completely, flip the lace over and spread Aleene’s Designer Tacky Glue on the lower half of the crown. Be sure to cover as high as your felt will go. Place your felt on top and press down. You will cut away 1/3″ at the end of the crown.





Finishing the Crown:

Form your crown into a circle and glue the ends together with the Aleene’s Tacky Designer Glue. Let your crown dry.


Step 7 (optional)
Using 5mm stretch magic jewellery cord (clear elastic cord) and a small darning needle,  attach cord to one side of the crown.  Be sure to knot it  securely. Place your crown on your doll’s head and measure to see how much cord you need to go around her chin and up to other side of crown. Attach the other end to the crown. The cord will hold the crown in place on the doll’s head.


Completed crown:


The 2 crowns below were made by Charie; the yellow one is beaded and has an elastic cord, the blue one is decorated with Dimensional paint and crystals. The felt on the blue crown completely lines the inside, and the tips were bent before the crown was completely dry. Lining the crown completely works best with lace that is not as detailed along the top.


The costume shown was custom made by Charie for Tdelia. Along with the crown, it includes a yellow shift and panties in yellow gauze, a tattered tulle under-skirt, a machine embroidered corset with hand beading, and tattered tulle, and wings hand decorated with beads.



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