March 21
The Gem‘s new Remaining Story Limited Edition Trond & Kivi – Deities of Cats have been released. The 43 cm tall dolls come with a little Gem boy or girl body cast in cream white resin. Trond and Kivi willcome with 2 heads in regular and “romantic” style, cat ears, cat paw hand parts, “tiptoe” cat foot parts, and tail part. Optional additions include face-up of one or both heads, body blushing, eyes, wigs, outfit, and shoes. The dolls will be available for pre-order until April 6, 2011 (Korean time).
Dollmore has released new Dear Doll Popo boy and girl. The 26.5 cm toll dolls are cast in normal skin resin. Each doll will come with a random wig and a pair of random color acrylic eyes. Options for Popo include default or custom face-up, seam sanding service, and body blushing.
March 22
Mint on Card is now taking pre-orders for their exclusive new DollZone Virgil full-set called Virgil the Lawman. Only 30 sets will be available. The 65 cm tall doll will come with glass eyes, wig, face-up, clothes (hat, shirt, necktie, vest, pants, coat, gun holster), boots, badge, gun and pocket watch. The badge, gun and watch will come painted. Jointed hands are NOT part of the full-set. Virgil will come in a choice of normal yellow, normal pink, or for an extra fee, tan skin resin. Basic Virgil is also available for pre-order. He is not limited and will be sold with a random pair of eyes and optional face-up.
Noppin (Japanese Deputy Service, formerly Crescent Shop) has started the lottery for the purchase of 44 cm tall Unoa Quluts Elder Sister, Belia and Ange dolls. Photos of the dolls available can be found under LOTTERY (til April 4th). The lottery application period ends at 1:00 PM Japan time on that day. Four full dolls painted by doll artist Gentaro Araki are available along with a group of kits and B-grade kits.
Bambicrony has released a basic version of new Bellezza Carla as a limited edition doll. The new 60 cm tall doll is the first doll released by the company for the Bellezza line. Only 50 basic dolls will be released. Basic Carla will come with a random pair of glass eyes. She can be ordered in a choice of peach puff or floral white resin. Face-up is optionally available.
March 23
A new tiny resin dog will be released soon at Hujoo Doll. Wawa the chihuahua is 10 cm tall. The toy dog will come with eyes and a dog blanket. Body painting is available for an additional fee. The first 30 orders of Wawa will come with a resin dog bowl and bone.
Sseiren Doll has released 64 cm tall Rake line doll Dean. Between March 25 – April 15 the doll is being sold at a 10% discount and with free shipping. Dean can be ordered in light rose or light flesh colored resin. The doll will come with a random color pair of acrylic eyes. Face-up is optionally available. Other items shown with the doll are available separately on the website.
nDoll has released a new full-set of HappyDoll Luke. 63 cm tall human version Luke is cast in normal skin resin. The faced -up doll will come with a random color pair of glass eyes, wig, and outfit (jacket, pants, shirt, cuffs, skirt, hat, brooch). Shoes are not included.
March 24
WithDoll has released a new version of Juwel in a new resin color. 45 cm tall Juwel Rosy Brown is cast in a rose tan resin. He will come with an additional event open eyed head, a random color pair of acrylic eyes, and 3 hands. Options for Juwel include a face-up for one or both heads, option parts, painting for the option parts, outfit and (wine and/or white wig.
ImplDoll has released Colin The Little Dust, a scorpion anthro doll. The doll is a limited edition of only 50. Colin can be ordered in white, real, pink, or for an additional fee gray or tan resin. Colin comes with a scorpion body, scorpion pincers, and a random pair of glass eyes. Options include human body, face-up, body blushing, outfit and wig.
American doll artist Bo Bergemann of Bergemann Dolls has posted new OOAK dolls for spring. Multi-doll sets include Easter Portrait (dolls Zoe, Sugar and Leilani), Little Lambs (Sugar and Chelsea Rose), Easter Egg Hunt (Sugar and Leilani), Toddling Twins (2 Leilani dolls), and Birthday Twins (2 Sugar dolls). Single OOAk dolls include Brown Sugar Leilani and Sweet Simplicity Zoe. All of the available dolls can be found in the online store section of the website. Additional information on the dolls can be found in the New Doll section. Zoe is 27 cm tall, Sugar is 18 cm tall, Leilani and Chelsea Rose are 14 cm tall.

March 25
Pluto Dolls has now released the 2nd Anniversary Limited Edition version of the Vergil head. The head is designed to fit 1/4 size dolls such as Volks MSD, LutsS Kid Delf, and Dream of Doll DOC. Closed-eyes Vergil CE is being cast in a normal resin color that is similar to Volks. Face-up for Virgil CE can be optionally ordered. He will be available for pre-order until April 25.
I-Doll Studio has posted a photo of a new doll named Lili. No additional information is available on the new sculpt yet. The 70 cm boy doll project announced last fall has been put on hold temporarily.
Rosen Lied is releasing their new basic dolls. The new basic dolls are Tuesday’s Child Clover and Monday’s Child Cinnamon.
Basic Clover and Cinnamon can be ordered in white or normal skin resin. They comes with acrylic eyes, extra hand parts, default wig, default dress, and bear doll case. A face-up for Cinnamon and Clover is optionally available.

March 26 ~~~~~
March 27
A new 10.7 cm tiny Timp doll has been added to the Neo-AngelRegion website. Timp Puntine is available in normal skin resin. Options available for the doll include face-up and body blushing. The eyes and outfit can be purchased separately.