~Fairy Garden Homes~

A friend of ours works at a nearby garden store. She asked if I and my family would participate in their Fairy Garden Festival Event by making some fairy homes.  The inspiration for the project came from the books Fairy Houses Everywhere and Fairy Houses and Beyond by Barry and Tracy Kane. Eventually we contributed a  number of displays, and with the Garden’s permission, we also videotaped and photographed the event.

The unique little houses are made in a wide variety of materials. Most of the materials were natural, but man-made materials were used as well. After the show, our fairy homes became new homes for tiny dolls. (The doll shown in the video is a Felix Brownie doll. These dolls are now sold through MuDoll.)

Special thanks to Gateway Garden Center and Holly Burnett.


Brownie elf doll sitting on a bark bench with a tiny table
Brownie elf doll sitting on a bark bench with a tiny table

Pumpkin-shaped homes mixed with real pumpkins
Pumpkin-shaped homes mixed with real pumpkins

"Tiki Huts" in an outdoor fountain
“Tiki Huts” in an outdoor fountain

Tiny dwelling at the base of a tree
Tiny dwelling at the base of a tree
The grass and garden are live plants

Detail of display set up inside the store
Detail of display set up inside the store

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