~Spampy Stuff~

Jenifer or ‘Spampy’ creates charming fashions for the littlest dolls.  She loves to sew, and the first ‘real’ item she ever made was a bathing suit for her favorite doll named ‘Pinky’. Jenifer worked as a professional seamstress for a number of years. “I did bridal, decorating, childrens’ clothes, alterations, worked for a craft store, and worked at Cloth World, which is now Joann.” Dolls re-entered her life when her mother, also a professional seamstress, developed an interest in miniature porcelain dolls. “It was in the miniature world that I discovered sculpted dolls and tried my hand at it. I loved it!” Jenifer was later approached by a doll maker about creating tiny clothing. ” An artist who was sculpting her own BJD found my work and asked if I could create some fashions for her doll, since he was a unique size. In my quest to figure out what was a BJD was exactly, I ventured onto Den of Angels and the rest is history! I fell in love with the personalities and pose ability of these little guys, and the bonus was, those who collected these dolls were just the nicest people. All were so willing to answer silly questions and encourage me. It really is such a giving and talented community.” In 2007, about a year after finding DoA, Jennifer opened her shop.

1-onesieThe shop name Spampy Stuff originally came from Jenifer’s email address. When setting up an account, a sign over her son’s desk seemed like the perfect name to use. Later, a customer referred to her outfits as “Spampy’s stuff” and the email address became her business name. The Spampy online shop started as a place to display and sell finished work, but developed into a commission shop as well. “People started asking for examples of fabrics and I thought, hey why not just take pictures of everything I have and allow customers to design their own clothes? Buying fabric is a bit of an addiction of mine, and actually, most of it is clothes that I buy and cut up. I could clothe an army of kindergartners.” As a result, the bulk of the outfits ordered from Spampy are commissions. “I love letting people pick out the fabrics and styles that they like. It can be a little overwhelming though, so I always will lend a hand in the design process if they need it. I also have people who just say “Make something pink and cute”. That works too!” Jenifer also posts new styles as time and creativity allow. “Most of the pre-made stuff I do is during my once-a-week refreshing time; kind of my opportunity to let my own creative juices flow. These fashions are almost always sent out on my email list. If something doesn’t sell, I really don’t like to put it “on sale”. So I usually put it ‘Up for grabs”. Give it away. I don’t like having things sitting around not being put to good use!”

1tieredarmySoon the shop became a family store, as Spampy’s mother Julienne and grandmother Georgette also added items. “My mom is an incredible seamstress and was making hats for “real” people. One night I thought, how cute would it be to see if she could make one for the dolls? It came out so cute! She’s come up with many different styles and loves doing one-of-a-kind customs as well. My  Grandma doesn’t sew, but knits like a wonder. She has tried to teach me many times, but I think she’s finally given up. A couple of month ago we started fiddling around with patterns, and she created the cutest sweater for LittleFee! From there, she has also come up with several different styles, each one cuter than the next.”

Spampy Stuff specializes in outfits for 1/6 size and smaller dolls. “I sew only for the tinies for a couple of reasons. Mainly because it’s just the styles I love to do. I love doing ‘cute’. I have had several bigger dolls over the years, but they just don’t touch my heart like the little ones. That’s the thing I love about the BJD world. Everyone has their own particular style, and everyone else appreciates that.”

Not surprisingly, Jenifer collects primarily tiny dolls. “I would say almost all (my dolls are) tiny BJDs. I do have one little Riley who I adore, and she’s made very good friends with the rest of the kids.” Her collection includes RealPuki Soso, Puki, Esheki, DZ Christmas babies, Elfdoll Bong, Banji, Pocket Fairy, Riley Kish, Marley, Lati Yellow Miel, Lati Yellow Special Coco, Bobobie Erin, Pukifee Bonnie, Planetdoll Mini Riz, Bambicrony Kumi, Little Fee Ante, Yo Kun, and Lati Green Lea.

When she can, Jenifer likes to introduce new outfits. “When I have the time, I’ll usually get inspired by something I’ve seen in real life, or something that I used to make for my daughter when she was little.” Recently Spampy introduced multi-tiered dresses for spring in various styles and colors. Customers can have them custom-made from the fabrics on display. “People can always order anything they’d like in any fabrics in any size. Some people make up their own styles too!”

Photos above from top: Pink Onsie, Tiered Arm Dress.

Spampy Stuff – Webshop


Monkey Dress
Monkey Dress
    Alien 'Jammies
Alien ‘Jammies
Ski Bunny
Ski Bunny
Shaw Collar Sweater by Grandma Georgette
Shaw Collar Sweater by Grandma Georgette
Red Kitties
Red Kitties
Multi Skull
Multi Skull
Family Portrait
Family Portrait

Sign that inspired the name
Sign that inspired the name

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