
Chinese doll company Ringdoll celebrated their 1st anniversary on March 10. The elegant and slender dolls are designed by well known doll artist Huang Shan partnered with American designer Ron Fletcher.  The company’s first dolls were Ring Teenager (63 cm) and Ring kid (43 cm tall) boys. The company added the first Ring Kid girl last summer, and will release the first Ring Teenager girl soon. In addition, Ringdoll creates detailed and well-crafted  fashions and accessories for their dolls.

Special thanks to Mint on Card for assistance with this article.


Q: Is there any significance to the company name?

A: Ringdoll is a Doll brand which means ” Ring Doll – Spirits between fingers”. Ringdoll was created by Ron Fletcher from USA and Huang Shan from China.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAQ: Can you tell me more about Ron Fletcher and Huang Shan? What training in doll making did each have? How long have they been involved with BJDs?

A: Ron Fletcher is a sculptor and dolls collector who is from Miami, FL. In the past 15 years, he has collected over 1800 dolls including BJDs from Asia and dolls and figurines from Barbie and McFARLANE. Mr. Fletcher now is the chief designer of RD whose team are in charge of body and head molding.

Huang Shan is the most famous BJD and figurine style designer of China. He was the chief designer of DollZone company before joining Ringdoll in 2009. Mr. Huang has been involved in BJD designing field for 5 years. As one of the most famous ACG artists in Asia, Huang Shan’s design works and books are very popular all around Asia. He is the chief designer of RD whose team is in charge of Doll Complete Style Design including face-up creation, clothing consolidation and accessory development.

Q: Who created the mechanical hand parts? Will there be more items (extra parts) like that in the future?

A: Mechanical hand is made by Huang Shan’s team and they will release a lot of body parts and clothing accessories for Ringdoll lovers.

1ShaoQ: Does the company plan to offer any tan or unusual resin colors for their dolls?

A: Ringdoll Product Team will create many new skin colors for customer choices like tan, coffee black, light green and so on.

RD dolls are made of MOTIchem Canada ecological and environment-friendly resin which is especially created for dolls and figurine.

Q: How many people work for the company?

A: From now on, there are 32 employees working in Ringdoll Design Team and Product Team from different country who are always dedicated to creating  products for doll lovers all over the world. Many gorgeous accessories for dolls will be released as well. And there are 15 employees working in Ringdoll Sales Team and Marketing Team who are always willing to provide perfect nice service to our customers.

Q: Your next release is a Ringteenager girl. Can you tell me anything more about her? What size range do you hope to introduce next?

A: The first 60 cm Ringteenager girl will be released in April. Another three styles of 63cm Ringteenager boy will be released in April as well and 75 cm Ring Grown male will be released in May.

Photos above from top: Huang Shan from Chinese magazine 21CN, Ring Teenager Shao.

Ring Teenager Ran Full-set Style A
Ring Teenager Ran Full-set Style A
Ring Teenager Ran Full-set Style B
Ring Teenager Ran Full-set Style B
RIng Teenager Pan Full-set Style A
Ring Teenager Pan Full-set Style
Ring Teenager Marcus with mechanical arm
Ring Teenager Marcus with mechanical arm
Ring Kid Rebecca
Ring Kid Rebecca
RIng Kid Lily
Ring Kid Lily
Ring Kid Kyo
Ring Kid Kyo
Ring Kid En
Ring Kid En

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