~Seam Sanding a BJD~

New video tutorial on sanding away the seam-lines on a BJD.

Seam-lines are created in the casting process. Some companies (especially Chinese companies) sand these away. Many do not, or they charge extra for the service. Some dolls should not have their seams sanded.  When dolls  have an outer coating of a different color resin (many tan/brown dolls, some grey dolls), sanding will remove the outer layer and expose the different color resin below. Sometimes sanded areas will look lighter then the surrounding resin.  Sanding the body lightly with the highest grit sandpaper can help even out the coloring.  Higher grits of sandpaper than 600 can be used, but too fine a grit will make the surface shiny.

This is the first part of a two-part tutorial.  The second part will be available next month.

Seam Sanding a BJD


Doll used in tutorial is a PlanetDoll Tara.






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