
DragonDoll is a recent addition to the BJD scene.  The Chinese company opened it’s doors to international collectors in May 2009. DreagonDoll prides itself on incorporating an aesthetic that reflects the creators’ Chinese heritage.

From the company:

1emp-huangDragondoll was established in 2007 by three gifted sculptors who graduated from a famous art university and were very expert in mechanism design. Chinese profound ancient history and culture influenced the three young men so much, and they dreamed to “ensoul” those historic characters for the whole world. That’s the origin of Dragondoll expressing the bravery of ancient heroes and spirit of the beauties. What’s more we try our best to make the BJD as lively as possible by creating the joints of BJD movable and flexible for every poses. With more and more DIY fun brought to consumers BJDs not only please their sight but also touch the bottom of their hearts deeply..

There are more than 100 experienced staff in Dragondoll company who accomplish the whole procedures from design, sculpture, mold, sample, production, and packing. We focus on the products development and manufacturing. At least two new styles are being developed every month, and now full lines of dolls will be successfully out including 1/6, 1/4, 1/3 body, uncle, 1/2 body, and all sizes male and female bodies.

What we are doing is devoting ourselves completely to manufacturing the most excellent dolls for our BJD fans, however what we are hoping is to cherish the past history and love the coming future..

Emory at Junkyspot, who recently started selling dolls from the company remarked, “I was surprised with the good, solid feel of the resin at the consumer price point for these wonderful dolls from Dragon Doll. With double-jointed knees and elbows, they even added extra articulation in the upper arms and upper thighs, resulting in a very smooth, solid doll with more articulation than most dolls in their pricing range.” The company recently released a new body for 70 cm male dolls called the Uncle body. New BJD fan Blizzard took photos when unpacking his doll body to show off the indentations built into the lower back and arms and other features that allow the doll to securely hold difficult poses.

Hands and feet both wrapped in cotton strips and rubber-banded…
Shoulders have grippy-teeth to hold of poses
Shoulders have grippy-teeth to hold of poses
The lower half of the elbow piece is made to stay in place unless you pull it out a bit and then bend the arm...I guess this is to help to maintain poses as well.

The lower half of the elbow piece is made to stay in place unless you pull it out a bit and then bend the arm…I guess this is to help to maintain poses as well.
It's hard to tell 'cause of the angle, but he IS touching his neck with his thumb.
It’s hard to tell ’cause of the angle, but he IS touching his neck with his thumb.
Like the elbows, the knees are double-jointed in the same fashion, which allows for sturdier standing.
The backs of the ankles are cut-in to allow for the toes to be able to point downward better.
The backs of the ankles are cut-in to allow for the toes to be able to point downward better.
Thigh has this nice cup swivel to allow for sitting with legs pulled up to his chest, a cool feature that I have seen a couple of other dolls have.
Thigh has this nice cup swivel to allow for sitting with legs pulled up to his chest, a cool feature that I have seen a couple of other dolls have.
No belly-poppin with this guy! Though it is a little hard to tell, the fit of the hip and stomach areas are such that you won't get that floppy "Weak Abs" effect.
No belly-poppin with this guy! Though it is a little hard to tell, the fit of the hip and stomach areas are such that you won’t get that floppy “Weak Abs” effect.
Likewise, the fit of the stomach to chest is also good and tight.
Likewise, the fit of the stomach to chest is also good and tight.
Leaning backwards
Leaning backwards
Shown hyper extended; he has a series of notches in the back to help hold poses in a leaning-forward orientation.
Shown hyper extended; he has a series of notches in the back to help hold poses in a leaning-forward orientation.


According to Blizzard, “The ankles ARE rather loose and don’t like to let him stand. I was aware that this may be a problem as a friend’s 60cm Dragondoll is the same way. Both the ankles AND hips need sueding, but I could literally do only that and call it good.” His final conclusion; “The more I handle him, the more I learn of the engineering involved, the more impressed I am…it seems the designers really went the extra mile here, and you know, they’re a pretty new company too, AND totally on the affordable side of the spectrum. All in all, I am exceedingly pleased with my first resin doll.”

Photo at top, Limited Edition Emperor Huang  71.8 cm tall doll on Uncle body.

DragonDolls are a new addition to Junkyspot.  They are also carried by Mint on Card and Ningyotan BJD Australia.

Special thanks to Blizzard, Emory, and  Jamesfan of DragonDoll.

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