Carrie Atwood has always loved tiny things and fantasy. Lord of the Rings is a favorite novel, and her favorite childhood toy was a tiny pocket-sized doll, Palitoy Pippa. Carrie eventually attended the StourBridge Collage of Art where she especially enjoyed life drawing classes. She became interested in crafts in her early twenties, when she began to knit in order to to help herself quit smoking.
After her daughter was born, Carrie wanted to make dolls for her and bought a book on doll-making. “I wanted to make a doll just as my Mum had made toys for me, and bought a book to make and dress dolls…but by mistake I bought one in twelfth scale for dolls houses …but I fell in love with the book and it changed my life.” Carrie began to work in partnership with her mother on miniature items. “I began working with my Mum making sculpted fantasy dolls out of Fimo, we traded as Little Bloomers. I had been making dolls about a year when I saw my first miniature teddy bear and I fell in love. Soon it was Mom sculpting the dolls and me making miniature bears, vintage upholstery fabric being a favorite (material).” Carrie and her mother became quite successful in their business. “We had a great 15 years. We won several awards for our dolls and bears, were members of The British Toymakers Guild (I still am), and we have a huge amount of dolls, teddy bears, animals, and fantasy figures on display in the Puppen Hause Museum in Bassel Switzerland.
On a visit to Japan, Carrie discovered BJDs. “I discovered Ball Joint dolls by accident around 2000 , when I visited Japan with my miniatures, but I didn’t buy one until 2005…a giant of a boy, but then I bought my first tiny resin ball joint doll and I was hooked. Again I didn’t realize how this would change my life.” Her first doll was an Elfdoll Sylph, and Rainman is still one of her favorite doll artists. Carrie’s mother eventually retired from the business, but Carrie continued to make miniatures and teddy bears and to teach adult craft courses.
By 2006, her BJD collection had grown, and Carrie decided to create her own wigs for the dolls. ” I began making wigs for my collection of tiny ball joint dolls, it wasn’t long before I got a HUGE following, and was finding I couldn’t keep up with demand. ” Then Carrie decided to undertake making her own resin ball jointed doll. Her first doll was named Moona. “I had met Dennis from Bobobie on the Den of Angels forum. When he released, of course, a tiny, and we became friends. He always told me if ever I needed help to ask …so when I got stuck making Moona, I asked. ” Carrie’s dolls have all been cast by Bobobie, often in a wide range of resin colors. “When I released my first doll with Bobobie dolls help in 2007, the tiny little Elf Moona, I knew I could make a go of The Sleeping Elf and concentrate on my dolls. I still make some miniatures, teddys, and sculpted humptys. I love sewing them, and sculpting, it’s relaxing. My wigs and outfits have a wait list for them. I custom dye and cut them, and am still enjoying making them.”
Recently, Carrie has become friends with another miniature doll enthusiast, Charles Stephan of Charles’ Creature Cabinet. “I met Charles via Den of Angels and Flikr too. I admired his work, and he mine. I have some of Charles’ ball joint dolls and he has mine.” Eventually the two worked on a joint project to design a tiny ‘teddy pig’ named ‘Snoink’. “Working from Charles’ artwork to make Shroink ..and I’m thrilled …its been fantastic, and Charles is lovely and its great to work with him”
Carrie has new limited versions of some of her dolls, cast in a new color. “I have just released my first limited edition Bracken, Mina, and Moona in stunning red resin.” New versions of several of her dolls are coming out. Large Moona is now on the Etsy site soon to be followed by Large Bracken. Carrie also promises ” 2 more later in the year.” In addition she adds ” I’m also working on a pattern book for my Elves, and for dolls the same size. I am counting my blessings now. I’m now working on ThistleDown, a new size completely, and Bracken’s Friend Bramble, and Sam and Tanner, the boys for Coco and BonBon. This should keep me going until next year! I work from home in my beautiful garden with my cats Maddie and babies Zack and Sam. I have a workshop at the bottom of the garden, where I am most of the time, and I couldn’t be happier. My life right now is magical.”

Hi would like more information such as pricing. Thank you have a great weekend
The Sleeping Elf dolls are usually sold via the artist’s Etsy site: