
Connie Lowe from Marbled Halls is offering a new Sprockets doll named Frazzle.  The limited edition doll will be on sale Thursday at 1:00 PM USA Eastern Standard Time. At that time, to order the doll, contact the artist at

Frazzle may be pre-ordered by making a down-payment ($200) with the rest due when the doll is in-stock. More information is available on the Marbled Halls Facebook page (A Facebook account is required to view).

From the artist:

FRAZZLE is a 10″ Ball jointed resin doll from my series called SPROCKETS. There will be 150 available.
Full sets, hand painted and individually dressed and wigged, each are OOAKs…you may chose a wig preference and suggest freckles or other things and I will try to match you up to a perfect girl. Clothing is random but if you have a request, add all to you final payments and I will do what I can.

If you prefer a blank , they come with nothing, no eyes,wig or clothes.

You can contact me anytime until Noon on Thursday to discuss preorder and deposits if you have questions.Email me or contact me on FB. After that it just gets too busy to answer questions during the preorder. Once preorder is open email me as usual, I will respond with a takes awhile up to a few hours even. Each email..times 150..well, its not fast!

Last time I don’t think any one missed out that ordered that first day.

I have had MANY ask me if they could also order GLEE at this time. Her preorder is coming up soon ..HOWEVER..if you wish to put a deposit on BOTH dolls together. I will accept preorders on Glee at the same time. For an additional $200 deposit.

I will cancel both, but not one.

This is preorder for FRAZZLE, some people are collecting all the sculpts and want one payment on these since they are releasing close together. I understand this and will make this compromise.

Do not worry…there will be plenty of Glee for preordering later. Her preorder will most likely be in a few weeks.I will post again when I know for sure.


frazzled frazzled2

2 thoughts on “Frazzle”

  1. I do not know if Frazzle can be ordered any more. I suggest that you write Connie Lowe and ask. You may only be able you buy one second-hand.

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