Ell Released

Migidoll is now taking pre-orders for Ell. He is being sold as a head-only or as a full doll. 63cm tall Ell may be ordered in A type white or normal resin or B type white or normal resin. Optional face-up, outfit, wig and gun is available. For a limited time, a full-set doll will come with a gift.

From the company:

Our new M-style doll, “Ell” and gun hand part is launched from Migidoll.

Get new gun hand part and a gun accessory by ordering a full set of Ell and outfits worn in the image photos! From September 30th to October 13th, 2013.
Ell is available on now.

Product contents
– Ell(full set) and Ell head

Ell’s outfit is optional, and the outfit is available separately. When you order Ell doll together, you can save 15% off the outfits.

Please make your inquiry in the Q&A board, if you have any question.
We would reply with detailed information.

ell_f_02 ell_f_01

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